Here is a PEEKPOKE.I include file that you can use in your programs. The POKE procedure and the PEEK function come from the Kyan Pascal 2.x User's Manual for the Atari 8-bit.
- Procedure POKE(Address, Value)
- Function PEEK(Address)
Kyan Pascal 2.x only supports up to a two-byte signed integers (-32,768 to 32,767). If the address that you want to peek or poke lies out side that range, you will need to use a Two’s Complement conversion to reach that address. For example, the address 57344:
- Take the number: 57344
- Convert the Decimal to Binary: 1110000000000000
- Moving from RIGHT to LEFT, flip every bit AFTER the first 1: 0010000000000000
- Convert the Binary to Decimal: 8192
- Use the negated value: -8192
Source Code
(* Kyan Pascal / Atari 8-bit *)
PROCEDURE Poke(Loc, Val: Integer);
LDY #7 ; Offset from _SP to Loc;
LDA (_SP),Y ; Get LSB of Loc;
STA _T ; Save LSB of loc;
LDA (_SP),Y ; Get MSB of Loc;
STA _T+1 ; Save MSB of Loc;
LDY #5 ; Offset from _SP to Val;
LDA (_SP),Y ; Load Val into Accumulator;
LDY #0 ; Clear Y register;
STA (_T),Y ; Store the value in the accumulator
; in memory location _T;
Function Peek(Loc: Integer) : Integer;
Peek := 0;
LDY #7 ; Offset to Loc;
LDA (_SP),Y ; Get LSB of Loc;
STA _T ; Save LSB of Loc in workspace;
LDA (_SP),Y ; Get MSB of Loc;
STA _T+1; ; Save MSB of Loc in workspace;
LDY #0; ; Clear Y register;
LDA (_T),Y ; Load accumulator with the
; Address being Peeked;
LDY #5 ; Offset to Function Identifier
STA (_SP),Y ; Store contents of the accumulator
; in LSB of Function Identifier
LDA #0 ; Load Accumulator with 0 for MSB
; of return integer
STA (_SP),Y ; Store contents of accumulator;
; in MSB of Function Identifer;
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