The FILL.I include file resides on the Kyan Pascal 2.x Utilities Disk 1. It contains one procedure:
- PROCEDURE Fill(X,Y,C: Integer);
I believe that this procedure should work similar to the Atari BASIC fill operation as seen on page 54 of the Atari BASIC Reference Manual. I wrote a FILL.P example program, but it isn't working just yet.
Source Code
PROCEDURE Fill(X,Y,C: Integer);
STX _T ;safety first
LDY #5 ;offset to color
LDA (_SP),Y ;...get from stack
STA $2FB ; in ATACHR (763)
INY ;offset to vertical
LDA (_SP),Y ;get value from stack
STA $54 ; in ROWCRS (84)
INY ;offset to horizontal
LDA (_SP),Y ;get val from stack
STA $55 ;...LSB into COLCRS (85)
INY ;offset to horiz MSB
LDA (_SP),Y ;...get from stack
STA $56 ; MSB
LDX #$60 ;IOCB 6=screen
LDA #12 ;fill command
STA $342,X ; in command byte
LDA #$C ;18 for fill
STA $34a,X ;...part of Gr. screen
LDA #$00 ;zero out
STA $34b,X ;...auxillary #2
JSR $e456 ;CIO will take care
END;(* Fill procedure *)
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