Kyan Pascal 2.x Advanced Graphics Toolkit

[Table of Contents]
Kyan Pascal Advanced Graphics Toolkit Disk Image

The Advance Graphics Tookkit (AGTK) contains Player Missile Graphics (PMG) and other graphics related routines (procedures, functions, types, etc.).

Booting the Kyan Pascal Advanced Graphics Toolkit diskette produces the following menu:

You can run three demo executables from the menu:

What's on the disk?

AUTOAG.P - Source code for Advanced Graphics Toolkit Demo Menu (AUTORUN.SYS).
AUTORUN.SYS - Advanced Graphics Toolkit Demo Menu
DOS.SYS - Atari DOS 2.5 Disk Operating System
FIGHTER - Run-time data for THREEDIM. 
GRAPH3.CON - Used by TEST3D.
GRAPH3.GBL - Used by TEST3D.
LIB - Kyan Pascal Run-time library.
PLAYDEMO - Executable. Compiled version of PLAYDEMO.P.
PLAYDEMO.P - Source code for PLAYDEMO.
PLOTTER.I - Atari 1020 Plotter functionality include file
PMLIB.I - A plethora of PMG routines.
PMSETUP.I - PMG setup functionality include file
PMTYPES.I - PMG type(s) - one 256 byte array for holding PMG image data.
TEST3D - Executable. Run from Advanced Graphics Toolkit Demo Menu (AUTORUN.SYS).
TEST3D.P - Source code for TEST3D.
THREEDIM - Executable. Run from Advanced Graphics Toolkit Demo Menu (AUTORUN.SYS).
THREEDIM.P - Source code for THREEDIM.

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