Atari Manuals
Atari 130XE Personal Computer Owner's Manual
Atari DOS 2.5: 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Manual
Altirra Hardware Reference Manual. See Altirra, an 8-bit Atari computer emulator website for latest version of the manual.
Altirra BASIC Reference Manual. See Altirra, an 8-bit Atari computer emulator website for latest version of the manual.
Atari DOS 2.5: 1050 Disk Drive Owner's Manual
Altirra Manuals
Altirra BASIC Reference Manual. See Altirra, an 8-bit Atari computer emulator website for latest version of the manual.
Kyan Pascal Specific Sources
Kyan Pascal - For the Atari - User's Manual, Kyan Software, Inc., San Francisco, California. This is a scanned (but otherwise unedited) .pdf version of the 1986 Kyan Pascal Atari 8-bit specific manual.
Kyan Pascal Toolkit 1 - Atari System Utilities, Kyan Software, Inc. San Francisco, California. 1986. This is a scanned (but otherwise unedited) .pdf version of the Toolkit 1 Atari System Utilities for Kyan Pascal 2.x from 1986.
Kyan Pascal - For the Atari - User's Manual. Kyan Software, Inc. San Francisco, California. This 1986 version of the Kyan Pascal manual is specifically for the Atari 8-bit version of the software.
Kyan Pascal - A Programming Language - Tutorial Manual. Kyan Software, 1850 Union Street, Suite 183, San Francisco, CA, 94123. 1985. This 1985 version of the Kyan Pascal manual covers both the Atari 8-bit and Apple II versions of the software.
Kyan Pascal 2.x for the Apple II ToolKit II MouseText Users Manual. Kyan Software Inc., San Francisco, California. While never released for the Atari, this might make for an interesting project.
Kyan Pascal 2.x for the Apple II TookKit IV TurtleGraphics Users Manual. Kyan Software Inc., San Francisco, California. While never released for the Atari, this might make for an interesting project.
Kyan Pascal for the Apple II Sources
Kyan Pascal 2.x for the Apple II TookKit IV TurtleGraphics Users Manual. Kyan Software Inc., San Francisco, California. While never released for the Atari, this might make for an interesting project.
Non-Atari Specific Pascal Sources
Programming in PASCAL by Peter Grogono, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1978.
PASCAL/MT+ Release 5 Language Reference and Applications Guide, MT MicroSYSTEMS,
1562 Kings Cross Drive, Cardiff-by-the-sea, CA. 92007. October, 1980.
PASCAL by David L. Heiserman, Tab Books, Inc., 1980.
Pascal Primer by David Fox and Mitchell Waite, Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 1981.
Introduction To PASCAL (Including UCSD PASCAL) Second Edition Revised by Rodnay Zaks, Sybex. Berkeley, 1981.
Problem Solving And Structured Programming in PASCAL by Elliott B. Koffman, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1981.
PASCAL PROGRAMS For Scientists And Engineers by Alan R. Miller, Sybex, 1981.
Doing Business with Pascal by Richard Hergert and Douglas Hergert, Sybex, 1983.
Apple Pascal Games, by Hergert, Douglas, Kalash, J.T., Sybex. 1983.
- GUESSIT.P from page 1
- ARTILLER.P from page 115
- LIFE.P from page 215
Programming Your Own Adventure Games In PASCAL by Richard C. Vile, Jr., Tab Books Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 17214. 1984.
Oh! Pascal! by Doug Cooper and Michael Clancy, W. W. Norton and Company, New York, NY, 10110. 1985.
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